Friday, January 23, 2015

Return to Russia

Dear Friends,

it's good to be back in Khabarovsk and over jet-lag.  We've been back for, let me count, twenty two days.  It feels like home.  Oh, it is home.

I love those winter ice carvings in the city square.  And look at the size of that snowball! 

People were glad to see us, and we were glad to seem therm again.  Ministry seems to continue to go forward even when we are not here.  It's good to know that God is at work, and we are the ones who join him.  

Tonya translated for a short-term missionary, an American evangelist, at the homeless shelter.  It was good to see that the Homeless ministry continues to touch the lives of the most needy among us.

Tonya also translated for part of a youth workers' seminar.  There was a rather good attendance.  This activity was organized by another ministry here, but held at Hope Center.  It is good to have cooperation between various organizations.

The Life-skills ministry is also active, but we are going to re-evaluate things and perhaps try a new approach.  No decisions have been made yet please pray for us to have wisdom.

We certainly miss having Timothy around.  He seems to be doing well, but please pray for him (and us) as we are now a world apart.

In Christ,
Cecil, Tonya, Vera, and Diana

Monday, January 19, 2015

Back in the Russian Far East

Dear Friends,

we're back home in Khabarovsk, in the Russian Far East.  It's colder here than in North Carolina, but we're getting adapted to it.  We spent New Year's Day somewhere on a plane since we left on December 31 and arrived on January 2nd.  Funny about that international date line.

Sorry we haven't written earlier.  Cecil's mom wrote a reminder that we should let people know where we are.  Thanks Mom!  We are also having problems with the internet, and have difficulty sending out email, and writing on blogs and such.

We've also been in touch with Timothy, who stayed State-side to continue his education and prepare for college.

We almost jumped into ministry right off the plane and helped host a conference about counseling children.  We weren't in charge, but were helping another ministry that works with children.  Tonya translated for parts of two days, we hosted the teacher in our home, we printed materials; the other folks could tell we obviously had jet lag, but it was fun.

Tonya took a chance to go on a two day evangelistic trip to a village. People are so hungry for the Lord here. The ministry opportunities seem to be endless.  Please pray for us as we are trying to discern which opportunities are right for us and which ones for the other believers to enter.

The orphan outreach team is doing well. Boy, they were glad to see us, and we were glad to see them. We're proud of how they kept things going while we were gone.  Many things changed while we were in the states and now we are trying to seek God`s direction regarding the new developments.

I can't seem to get my camera to talk with my computer.  Technical difficulties.  As soon as I can, we'll send some photos about these things.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support,
Cecil, Tonya, Vera & Diana