Dear Friends,
Last year Cecil submitted an article about the homeless shelter to a journal called Russian Evangelism. In March it was published, and a few days ago they sent us a copy of it in PDF. You can view it at for your enjoyment. The photos were taken just before the snows were covering the ground, but now the snows are over half-way melted. So the photos are now a bit out-of-date, but the information is good.
Cecil went to the homeless shelter two days ago (Wednesday) and spoke about the Easter season and death and resurrection of Jesus. It was well received. They have a service every evening at the center, and on occasion we are able to go. He also spoke at an orphanage and was amazed that the children had no idea what Passover or Easter was. He tried to help fill them in on the basics.
Tonya tried to pass the written part of the driving test today. This is her second attempt. The test has twenty questions and you are only allowed two mistakes. Both times she has made three mistakes. She is pretty frustrated about it. But Cecil says she is still a good cook.
Next week we will be taking a puppet theater presentation to four orphanages and a kindergarten. It is an Easter presentation. Please pray that it be well received and be a blessing to everyone who watches it.
Your Friends,
Cecil, Tonya, Timothy & Vera