Monday, March 27, 2023

New Stuff Going On!

Dear Friends,

       This newsletter has more explanations than our usual letters and there are several reasons why.  As you know, a year ago we left Russia and for a year we have been hoping and praying that the war between Russia and Ukraine will be over.  Most of this time we have been ministering at Lumbee River Christian College, an AG Bible school associated with Assemblies of God Home Missions, and we were thinking about transferring from World Missions (AGWM) department to the Home Missions (AGUSM) department of the Assemblies of God. 

       Quite unexpectedly Global University, a ministry of AGWM’s International Ministries, extended an invitation to Tonya to join their team at Central Asia Theological Institute (CATI).  CATI is a project of Global University based in Kazakhstan for training ministers and pastors of many house churches in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan.  Since most of them speak Russian (as well as thousands of Russians getting away from the war and going to Central Asia) a significant amount of training in CATI is done in the Russian language.  So, Tonya will be translating and editing Global University materials to equip Russian speaking people for ministry, including church-planting and to serve as missionaries in addition to growing existing churches.  Since this is part of Global University, the reach of the translation work will circle the globe, reaching and equipping Russian speakers wherever they live and serve.  The reach will be beyond one country, or even three countries, it will be global.  This is a tremendous open door in a part of the world where there is a clear move of the Holy Spirit in the timing of God.  We are appreciative to be on the “ground floor” of what God is doing in Central Asia, and you too are on the ground floor of what God is doing in Central Asia as we partner together in the gospel.

       For years Tonya has been in a support role translating for Cecil's preaching and teaching.  Now, Cecil has chosen to support Tonya in her calling.  This is the reason AGWM is having us send an updated/new pledge form that has a new account number.  Our old account will be closed soon.  You may ask why the name Tatiana is on the new pledge form that will be sent out, that is because it is her full formal and legal name (Tonya being her nickname). 

        In Russian tradition, most people have two names:  a formal one and a shorter one for friends and family.  So, when we started the Eshelman Exploits newsletter more than twenty years ago, Cecil introduced his new bride as Tonya to his friends and family.  

       So, we will still be serving with the Assemblies of God World Missions and sending you our missionary newsletters. 

Now we would like to include a short story of what the Lord has done in the last year here in the United States:

          Mariam is 18 years old.  She is from Cuba and has been in the U.S. for several months and has not been to church until recently.  It was our privilege to invite her to attend a Christmas service with us.  Our friend gave her an English-Spanish bilingual Bible as a gift.  And now Tonya is studying the Gospel of John with her.  We also meet with students from the Bible College (Lumbee River Christian College).  

            Grace and Blessings to you!


           Cecil and Tonya Eshelman

Friday, February 17, 2023

Back in the U.S.

 Dear Friends,

we no longer see much future for our work in Russia, although we still have good memories of the ministry and fellowship we had there and are able to occasionally send books and such to believers there.  We are back in the U.S. and working at Lumbee River Christian College doing some teaching, building repairs, grounds work, updating the computer lab, and leading some student activities.  It is a good place, and if you would like to visit you would probably think of it as a good place to study.

We are in the process of transferring from International Missions to Home Missions.  It is a change!  There is a process involved with all the details and paperwork. 

Our children are doing well and continue their college studies.  Tonya and I look forward to their graduations.  They are not married so we don't have any grandchildren yet, but no hurry there.

We are thankful that the Lord has kept us safe and sound throughout the entire process.

God bless you!

Cecil & Tonya