things have become so busy that I'm thinking about hiring a ghost writer to make my emails and newsletters. We're doing well (except that Tonya has a cold). One big happening for us is that most of the renovations of Hope Center have been completed. Ministry there has already begun. Prayer meetings start the morning five days a week at 6:00 AM. I've been asked to bring a short devotional each morning this coming week (please pray that I'm awake and able to speak Russian clearly).
Three churches that do not have their own buildings are using space for their offices. This not only covers the cost of utilities, but has brought three pastors into one place and I hear they have great fellowship together. The classroom is already rather scheduled, with one church meeting there on Sundays, various meetings in the evenings, seminars and other sessions scheduled for the next several months, and two Bible School sessions scheduled as well.
We are delighted that the Hinson Family has joined us. Steve and Amanda have begun study of the Russian language. We introduced them to a park by the Amur River shortly after they arrived.
Our kids are getting along great! Those are their oldest two with our youngest two.

Please pray for the Hinson family as they make adjustments to life in Russia. Pray for language study, cultural adjustment, and health for Amanda who is pregnant with their fourth child.
While the construction at Hope Center was winding down, the paperwork wasn't. Since the work isn't over until the paperwork is done, a young lady named Amy came for two weeks to help make sure the accounting was straight. She was a great blessing, and our kids loved having her around. We're praying she comes back for a longer stay. Maybe God will give her a sign. No, not the one in the picture, she found that one herself. But a sign that will send her back our way.
In the midst of all this, we were able to take a bit of vacation and visit Tonya's folks in Siberia. We enjoyed spending time at their dacha, and had a meal outside when her brother fixed us a special Russian form of Sish-Ka-Bob called Sashleik. A great time was had by all.

Since renovation of Hope Center is ending, the real work is beginning, the work of ministry. Please pray that the Lord will give us the right team and the right anointing to launch the work among the graduating orphans that we have been hoping for.
On the first of October we have a family who coming to stay for a week in a Nanian village several hours north of here. The Nanian are a minority group that are mostly unreached with the Gospel. This family hopes to help and encourage the believers that we know of. I would join them but I've been asked to attend a special conference in Turkey at that time. Please pray for this outreach among the Nanian people to be effective in building the Kingdom of God.
There is a most amazing presentation of color photos of Russia and Georgia from 100 years ago. Absolutely stunning.
On a more bizarre note, Russian cafeterias are no longer permitted to serve cockroaches with lunches.
In His Service,
Cecil, Tonya, Timothy, Vera and Deanna