Dear Friends,
winter has arrived, which means it's time for thanksgiving. We had had a
great thanksgiving, with lots of friends over for a feast. After the feast the
kids put on a play while I read the thanksgiving story from a children's history
winter has arrived, which means it's time for thanksgiving. We had had a
great thanksgiving, with lots of friends over for a feast. After the feast the
kids put on a play while I read the thanksgiving story from a children's history

On Sunday evening we put on a Thanksgiving feast at Open Heart Homeless
Shelter. My area director and his wife, Rick and Dianna, were in Khabarovsk to
have Thanksgiving with us. So we asked Rick to speak before the meal (Tonya
translated). It was a powerful sermon. And then we served the homeless beef,
rice, gravy, pumpkin pie, cucumbers, hard boiled eggs, oranges, bread, tea, and
cookies. What a blast.

The week before Thanksgiving we hosted a Life Skills teacher training
seminar. This is a key part of what we feel God has directed us to do with
orphans in Russia. Three teachers came from the Ukraine (one Mexican, one
American, and one Ukrainian) to train us in how to teach life skills to youth
and orphans. The Russian orphanage system sends children to school, so they
learn book knowledge, but usually no one trains them about the basics of how to
live. So after graduation most of them fall into destructive life styles. This
Life Skills training is a Christian answer to this need. So the group that
attended are now equipped to minister in this area. Please pray for doors to be
open and opportunities to arise. Here is a after-training photo:

Talking about training, the Moscow Theological Institute has graduated 17
students in Khabarovsk. Each of them is receiving a government recognized
four-year degree.

Oh, yes, about those parasites. It seems that, after further testing, that
two of us who they thought had parasites in the gall bladder have some other
minor problem that can be fixed by drinking mineral water and resting on a hot
pad. I can handle that. So, only one of us needs to have any further
treatment. I guess we can call that progress of the strangest kind, but we are
We're in the process of sending out our November newsletter. Have a sneak
preview at
Because of Christ,
Cecil, Tonya, Timothy, Vera and Deanna