Friday, July 01, 2005

Summer break begins

Dear Friends,

We are back from an important conference in Thailand and Cecil is ready to begin his summer break.

The tri-annual Eurasia meeting for AGWM was held in Thailand during the end of June. Hundreds of missionaries from Eurasia gathered to discuss a variety of issues. Some of the topics were practical, some sessions were encouraging, some meetings were strategic, some was worshipful, some was ministry to the missionaries, all of it was for building the Kingdom of God. And, of course, some of us went out to see the elephants.

Summer break has begun at the University where Cecil is studying Russian. He plans to continue independent work on the language until classes begin this fall. This should not be difficult since every trip to the store is a language practice exercise. But he will continue to hit the books too.

Tonya has gotten involved with team building for orphanage outreach. She has been partnering with a Ukrainian lady with a different organization to help orphans. They have formed a leadership team of older orphans to assist the younger ones. This has already begun to bear fruit.

Cecil continues to work on our web site, and bit by bit it keeps getting more and more interesting. If you haven't seen it, please take a look. The address is

Cecil is planning to host a pastor's conference for church leaders in the Russian Far East. They haven't had one for several years and many of the pastors are in great need of refreshment and encouragement. It looks like it will be the last week of September. Please pray for all the arrangements to come together, for the speaker to be inspired, and for these precious workers to be able to attend.

We have begun the process of purchasing a vehicle. It has been a bit more complicated than buying a car in the states. Please pray that the entire process continues without a hitch.

Do please pray that the Lord guide the use of our time this summer as our schedule will be quite different than during the school year.

Overall things continue to go well for us. Thank you so much for the encouraging letters and emails you all have sent. If there is anything we can pray for on your behalf, please let us know.
Because of Him,
Cecil, Tonya, Timothy & Vera