Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving & water news

Dear Friends,

if you translate "Thanksgiving Day" into Russian it comes across as "Day of Gratitude." We had a bunch of folks over for Thanksgiving, but only one is an American. We had Russians, a Ukrainian and a British lady. It was fun reading the Thanksgiving story to them all, only the American had heard it before.

While some of us were busy in the kitchen, Timothy talked our American guest into a game of chess.

And after the turkey was (mostly) eaten we set aside the potatoes, bread, corn, salads, stuffing, etc., because it was time for the pies (and tea, and fruit, and brownies). Ahhh yes, Thanksgiving.

On this day of gratitude, our family was filled with thanksgiving for all the many things God has done for us.

The big news in Khabarovsk right now is the toxic chemical spill that occurred in China. The Russian authorities got wind of it when Harbin, a major Chinese city upstream from us, turned off their water supply, and there were reports of lots of dead fish in the river. Finally the Chinese authorities admitted there was a problem and advised the Russian government what chemicals were involved. The contamination slick is expected to reach Khabarovsk this weekend. This is a problem since Khabarovsk's water supply comes from the Amur river. When it reaches us the city water supply will be turned off until the water is safe again, which may be for more than a week. So we've been stockpiling water.

Unlike the fish, we should be fine, just an inconvenience.

The procedure of buying an apartment is coming along. Please pray as documents for the purchase of the apartment continue to process. If all goes well we should be able to take possession at the end of next week.

Cecil, Tonya, Timothy & Vera