Dear Friends,
tomorrow we will by flying back to Russia by way of South Korea. We've had a great time here in the States for the last month with the World Missions Summit and spending time with family, but it is time to get back to Khabarovsk. Since the new apartment we will be living in does not have a telephone yet, we do not know when we will be able to send out our next email update, but we pray that it will be soon.
Cecil helped write an article about a post-prison ministry that is located near Khabarovsk. It was published in December. Contact us if you would like a copy. We hope you enjoy reading it.
Please pray for Jason Bicket, who is coming to live and work on campus in Khabarovsk. He was not able to accompany us back to Russia, but will be leaving out on Feb. 2nd. Pray that everything would go smoothly for him as he takes care of those last minute details and then travels to join us.
The Peace of the Lord be with you.
Cecil, Tonya, Timothy & Vera